Monday, January 16, 2012

UN Human Rights High Commission about Nijami and others

The UN human rights high commission has wanted to know the origin of legal basis and ground of confinement of six apex war criminal e.g. Jaamat’s Amir Motiur Rahman Nizami and including Secretary General Ali Hasan Mohammad Muzahid. The commission has given a letter to Government and demand answer of 35 points specifically. The letter has been sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the chief of permanent mission of Bangladesh in Geneva on 12th September 2011. Although it was mentioned to reply the letter within 60 days but it did not become possible. It is informed to us that the Government has extended the time limit In the meantime.
The letter from the office of The UN human rights high commission captioned by “WORKING GROUP ON Arbitary DETENTION” The UN human rights high commission mentioned that jamaat leader Matiur Rahman Nijami, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, Delawar Hossen Saidee, Kamaruzzaman, Abdul Kader Mollah, permanent committee member of BNP Salauddin Kader Chowdhury have been confined for trial and bring them to remand, identify condemned before trial, reject Bail petition and different issues have been indicted to them.
On the other hand the convener of International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh Abdul Hannan Khan (PPM) ensures that they got the letter from The UN human rights high commission. He informed that they would not reply it yet. They are continuing communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bangladesh Police is concerned about it and they will reply.
It is mentioned in the letter by the office of The UN human rights commission that Matiur Rahman Nijami, Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, Delawar Hossen Saidee, Kamaruzzaman, Abdul Kader Mollah, BNP leader Salauddin Kader Chowdhury is confined illegally which has been indicted in written form to them. Basis on that written complain a working group of The UN human rights commission is investigating on it. It is also mentioned in that indict that it is denominated freedom of that 6 BNP and Jamaat leaders.
It is also mentioned in that letter that they are deprived of justice and right of justice which is mentioned in the UN charter for human rights, the conditions have violated by confining them.
It is also mentioned in that letter that everybody has submitted petition for Bail again and again where they mentioned with submission that they will not go anywhere without permission of the proper authority. They will not interfere in trial. They will deposit cash in need their Bail. Above all, their Bail petition is rejected. Deputy Minister of the ministry of Law and Parliamentary Affairs Kamrul Islam said that, there is no chance of Bail of the war criminals. The complainant expressed anxiety to The UN human rights high commission and informed that Tribunal confined them without completing investigation. Even though, Tribunal do not serve any information to the accused petitioner.
The chief rapportier of ‘Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’ L. Hadji Malik Su demanded the answer from Abdul Hannan, the chief of permanent mission of Bangladesh in Geneva in the office of The UN human rights high commission against the complain submitted.
It is mentioned in the letter that, The UN human rights high commission deserve details by 60 days about the complain. Bangladesh Govt. can extend one month of the time limit if they would think necessary by informing the working group. If Bangladesh Govt. does not answer within this time limit the working group of The UN human rights high commission will express their opinion or speech based on the information they have.
It informed that, the Ministry of Home affairs sent the subject matter of 35 points to the convener of International Crimes Tribunal and the IGP of Bangladesh Police at 1stDecember 2011. The Bangladesh police Headquarter got the letter at 4thDecember.
A letter also sent to the Ministry of Home affairs by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 25thOctober which was received at 26th October by the Ministry of Home affairs.
It is mentioned in the letter that, Motiur Rahman Nizami was confined at 29th June 2010. The CMM court accepted remand for 16 days at 30th June on ground of the 5 suit filed against him in Palton Police Station. At 26th July it was granted 3 days remand on ground of suit filed against him in Kadomtoli Police Station. The relatives and the lawyers were not allowed to meet with him. During his confinement he was arrested as a suspected war criminal by the petition submitted by chief of International Crimes Tribunal at 22ndJuly. He was discharged from all suit filed in Palton Police Station, Kadomtoli Police Station at 29thand 30th November. The suit is pending which was filed in Motihar Police Station, Keranigonj Police Station, and Pallobi Police Station against Motiur Rahman Nizami. He can’t collect the certified copy of that suit being obstructed by International Crimes Tribunal. Abdul Kader Mollah, Assistant Secretary of Jamaat arrested at 13thJuly 2010. At 22nd July he has shown arrest by International Crimes Tribunal. Although he is discharged from all suit but he is confined for two ordinary suits filed in Keranigonj and Pallobi Police Station. The other Assistant Secretary of Jamaat, Mohammad Kamaruzzaman arrested 13thJuly 2010. Secretary General Ali Hasan Mohammad Muzahid and Naib-e –Amir Delawar Hossen Saidee has arrested at 29th Jun 2010. Permanent committee member of BNP Salauddin Kader Chowdhury has arrested 16th December 2010. Everybody has shown arrested during his confinement as suspected war criminal.

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